Sunday 1 April 2012

letting go

Over the last year I've had quite a few mini strokes (tia) and I learned my blood preasure was dangerously high 165/120; I've had a number of hemorages in my eyes causing restriction in my vision. I have a 50% retriction in one of the arteries of the heart. I am feeling a need to simply express myself without any expectation of some responce; not that I'm against a responce. I've tried to get some psychological counsel but it seems to not be very worthwhile; it is going to become quite costly as well, which I'm unable to afford; so I'm trying something new.


  1. I've pretty well recovered from the angiogram done Mar28,12; I feel good and now I can start getting back onto some physical activities. This laying about really gets me feeling crappy(physically).

  2. Back in the early 1980's I had a number of electroconvulsive sessions; at the time I was in great distress emotionally and I didn't care about anything.

  3. The Question: What holds UNITY together???
    ANSWER... energy in stasis in the bonds between various elements.

    from wikipedia
    Representation of ionic bonding between lithium and fluorine to form lithium fluoride. Lithium has a low ionization energy and readily gives up its lone valence electron to the fluorine atom, which has a positive electron affinity and accepts the electron that was donated by the lithium atom. The end result is that lithium is isoelectronic with helium and fluorine is isoelectronic with neon. Electrostatic interaction between the two atoms forms an ionic bond.

  4. the intertwined fields of the ions, or electrons on the outer surface gives the appearance of solid matter.

  5. What a waste of time!!! Reading the majority of the posted blogs are.... Searching by use of key-words helps very little.

    The majority of the blogs have been abandonded yaers ago and so infers that my search will end there as well!!!


    And the master is more articulate, more talented. If he cannot say, he will paint; if he cannot say, he will sculpt; if he cannot say, he will dance; if he cannot say, he will sing - and singing, dancing, painting or any other creative art may become a vehicle for that which language is not capable of. See Russell
